Game Nights of the Round Table

…That’s a terribly misleading blogpost title in search of some grain of ‘cleverness.’ As all participants of the Tabletop Mentorship Program should know, this past Saturday (yesterday as I write this) was “ Round Table Da y.” My day started before dawn and ended after nightfall. I joined five very different round table discussions and managed to squeeze in my weekly D&D session and went on two quick excursions with my daughter, just to get out of the house and clear my head a bit. Being of the mindset that if you are “on time” you are late I signed in to each session a few minutes ahead of schedule and as a result ended up getting the additional benefit of a few minutes one-to-one in most sessions with the roundtable “leader.” My pre-dawn session was on Prototyping and Production with Geoff Engelstein. Our one-to-one was very small-talky. We’ve exchanged a few Tweets in the past – and my experience has always been that he is nothing if not approachable and friendly. ...