Wrapping up...
This was originally an update post, but with my crazy schedule, it has turned into a wrapup post instead! So where am I on my goals that I set at the beginning of the program? Editing Time: A full episode is at about 3-4 hours of editing time now (roughly) as opposed to my original 8-10 hours when I first started. I'm getting much better at identifying visual opportunities to edit instead of having to listen directly to the audio. Organic Reach: I've spent much more time trying to improve my organic reach through interacting with other accounts on Twitter and Instagram,. Not only have I been increasing visibility for my channel, but I've also learned about some other great games and creators! In addition, I've connected with designers, publishers, and artists that I've been able to talk to on the show. Improving Content: My focus has shifted towards providing updates on my shelf of shame count which was the entire reason I started doing the podcast...