oh hi!

Hello everyone! 

I thought I would drop a line and share a bit of my story. 

I absolutely love world building. I have spent my entire life building worlds in my head. When I was introduced to RPGs I realized I could finally use all these worlds in my head. The struggle I face is getting the worlds from my head onto paper. There are several reasons for that but one of them is that I have a physical disability that makes sitting at my computer typing impossible sometimes. 

My mentor suggested I use a speech to text software. It was something that I had thought about but had never actually used before. I did a quick google search for free options and found one that actually works reasonably well. It records what you say as well as does a transcription that you can go through and edit afterward. It is really good for when I need to take it easy physically as I can set up my laptop and talk at it from any position. 

I'm really looking forward to continuing to find tools that help me adapt to my unique needs. This is only the first week and it's already been life changing. 

Thanks to everyone who works hard to make this program possible. 



  1. Thanks for sharing! What tool did you end up using, if you don't mind my asking?


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